Tuition for Children - from pre-school to A level
The Skills Shack can offer MFL tuition to children of all ages from a fully qualified teacher with many years of classroom and one-to-one teaching experience.
Exam booster
Some children struggle with learning a language and need a little extra help or a confidence boost leading up to their exams. At this time you as parents need to know that you can place your trust in someone with the experience, patience and skills to guide them through this stressful time and help them to achieve their potential.
Educated at home
Many parents choose to educate their children at home for a variety of reasons but it can be difficult to offer a broad and balanced curriculum, especially if there are areas that you yourself do not feel confident in. The government has decided that children should learn a language from Key Stage 2 (Year 3) through to the end of Key Stage 4 (Year 11), although you are not legally required to follow the National Curriculum many parents feel that languages are a vital skill that they want to introduce to their children as early as possible. We know that many parents that choose to educate their children at home are members of support groups and we can arrange group lessons if this is more convenient.
Nursery, pre-schools and schools
Start children off on their language learning journey in a fun way! Using songs, games, rhymes and stories children learn to be language detectives, finding out about the new vocabulary and culture of the countries they are studying.
From 2014 the government intends to make MFL a compulsory requirement of the new primary National Curriculum. Your staff may not feel equipped to offer a language to their pupils, using The Skills Shack to fulfil the MFL requirement while the class teacher has their PPA time is an effective solution. Your MFL teacher will be fully qualified so will be able to take classes unsupervised. Pupils and schools in Staffordshire are already reaping the benefits of using our service.

Emma can't stop singing French songs in the shower. She even wrote 'I love French' in the steam on the shower door!
S.T. Parent of Y3 child
Both children have grown in confidence but also in their enthusiasm for learning a new language. They can often be heard singing French songs and the alphabet. The children look forward to their time with Jeni and are happy to give up their Saturday morning ‘lie in’ in favour of their French lesson.
L.M. Parent of Y3 and Y6 children
The Skills Shack, Stone, Staffordshire